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Have you had your eyes tested?

Do you need prescription glasses?

Need an alternative to expensive quotes?

Prescription spectacles, contact lenses, repairs and adjustments

What we do

We are here to help you achieve the best vision possible, by taking on board your prescription results, from your most recent eye examination - and doing the hard part for you.


No matter what your day-to-day tasks entail, there is always a particular prescription 'lens design' that best supports you in what you do every day. Our job is to make sure we expose the best options to you, whilst appreciating that you need not empty your savings in the pursuit of great vision!


Through specialist, friendly and non-biased help, our mission is to help you understand your results and ultimately make up your glasses for wear - without the gimmicks, jargon or faff...


Our advice and recommendations are free of charge and there are no obligations thereafter, to purchase or use any of our services. We use the same suppliers and manufacturers as your local practice would and ultimately your enquiries are answered by a qualified dispensing optician, registered with the general optical council (GOC).  


Simply fill in our very quick online form or shoot off an initial email to us - and we will reply you back with suitable advice and suggestions. If all sits well with you, the spectacle wearer, we get cracking and get the glasses made for you (see steps).  

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